Our second day on set was going to be our most demanding yet. Luckily it didn’t rain as we had an exterior scene at Footscray West Train Station.
Huu with actors
We had Llaaneath and Halide on location dressed up in school uniform walking up the ramp. It was difficult to coordinate with the train arrivals.
On location
We spent two hours on location. Lots of walking back and forth on the ramp. Very good shots of the graffiti on the wall. But maybe next time we should bring some sunscreen on location. A few of us got a little tanned on the day.
Crew on the ramp
We broke for lunch at Midday at Halide’s house in West Sunshine.
The next scene had Halide in her room talking on her mobile to her best friend. It was a very small room. Very crowded inside. Camera, microphone and two lights. We needed a lot of takes as the stretch of road outside was very popular with road hoons.
John listening to the mic
The scene was very interesting with Halide and Llaaneath taking turns reciting their lines. One shot was with Halide and Llaaneath off-screen. Whilst other with Llaaneath on screen and Halide off-screen.
Llaaneath chatting on the phone
Thanks everyone on a successful second day on set! Only two more days to go!